This page analyzes the book of mormon using statistical tools relative to archaeological records. If youve already read it, youll find new insights now that youre a member and have the basics of the book under control. For the first 150 years of mormonisms existence, everyone thought it was a story about a people who left the middle east and came to south or central america, and who fought wars clear up into new york state where. The heartland model or heartland theory of book of mormon geography states that the book of mormon events primarily occurred in the heartland of north america.
Book of mormon difficulties, contradictions and explanations. Patty henetz of the associated press has written an article on dna and the book of mormon, focusing on geneticist simon southerton and his forthcoming book, losing a lost tribe. The smithsonian statement has been around for years and lds writers have responded to this easily resolved point, yet the embarrassing refutation of glass still survives in this 1996 version. Places of worship were called synagogues during the time of nephi and jacob see 2 nephi 26. The book of mormon claims that the family of lehi stopped at a location that was named nahom. Key passages on deity in the original 1830 text of the book of mormon were changed in the 1837 edition to reflect joseph smiths changing doctrine of deity. If youve never read it, it will give you a strong foundation in your faith. The almost 4,000 changes to the book of mormon are copyeditor.
All changes that i could identify punctuation would not show up listening to a cd were minor. Below is the modern map of the area of smiths youth. Response to the smithsonian institute statement on the book. Mcconkie, at the time considered to be one of the churchs most prominent theologians. Book of mormon changes the fall of mormonism rich kelsey. An original first edition book of mormon has been photographed and is available for viewing at. As a copyeditor, i can assure my fellow editors that this article is the real stuff. Every mormon ward will change with nelsons monumental. I now know that the book of mormon happened in the usa in the historic heartland that is such a significant part of american and book of mormon history. According to the text, the first seven chapters were abridged by the prophet mormon and the last two by his son moroni. Jul 01, 2011 however, there are numerous other changes which affect the doctrinal teachings of the book of mormon. Chapter 1 the search for truth and meaning in mormon history leonard j.
Exploring the book of mormon in americas heartland. To obtain copies of their work please write to utah lighthouse ministry p. The book of mormon is the name of a book, or subdivision, of the larger book of mormon. These men were given a sacred charge to observe the destruction of their people for their wickedness. The first printed edition compared to the manuscripts and to the subsequent major lds english printed editions and that there was to be. This collection of early mormon publications includes books, missionary tracts, doctrinal treatises, hymnals and periodicals which helped define the doctrinal development and historical movements of the mormon people in the 19th century. In this study we will show that there have been at least 3,9 changes made in the book of mormon from the time it was first published in 1830. The book of revelation, rather than a christian document is a jewish apocalyptic text. John, therefore, saw the 144,000 as representative of 12,000 stalwart members of the 12 tribes of israel which are committed to protect israel and would be martyred for the same. In making this study we obtained photocopies of an original 1830 edition of the book of mormon from the university of utah library. The north america model for the book of mormon home. Mormon people state their book is the truest book in the world and their religion is the most true in the world that is why over 4,000 changes is very big.
A valuable new analysis of the many types of changes in the text of the book of mormon is brian c. Proposed book of mormon geographical setting wikipedia. Nelson stunned the mormon men and boys at saturday evenings priesthood session of general conference with a seismic announcement. The almost 4,000 changes to the book of mormon are.
How can mormons claim that the book of mormon is true if. The book of mormon is another testament of jesus christ and is one of the main differentiators between the church of jesus christ of latterday saints often referred to as the mormon church or. The book of mammon written by former lds church office. With his usual energy, pratt began another series of pamphlets less than a month after assuming his european mission. Roberts and linda sillitoe previously and i will probably read it again. First of all, the exegetical, with such essays focusing on the meaning and background to pericope within the book of mormon text, such as the nephite sacramental prayers in moroni 45 and their historical development within nephite culture, as seen in mosiah 16 and 3 nephi 18. Our families may be corrupted by worldly trends and teachings unless we know how to use the book book of mormon to expose and combat the falsehoods in socialism, organic evolution, rationalism, humanism, etc. Although dna and the book of mormon has probably made the rounds through the bloggernacle, i suspect its a story that wont go away for a while.
Elna baker is the author of the highly acclaimed the new york regional mormon singles halloween dance. The book of mormon is supposed to be a history of real people living in a real place. Embracing the origin, rise and progress of the sect. Response to the smithsonian institute statement on the. Since its first publication in 1830, the book of moron has undergone thousands of changes. According to the book this is the location where a member of the group is buried after he passes away during their travel. The new era, may 1972 mormon magazine mormon church on. Uses the 1proportion statistical test as a means of analyzing the correlation between the book of mormon and the archaeological records. This publication is intended for scholars of all faiths and persuasions, lds, rlds and all others interested in the text. Heres the full list of the rare and out of print mormon books, lds lessons, scriptures and manuscripts. As you can see, the book of mormon is a changing document. All my studies suddenly made sense, all aspects of the book of mormon finally became clear.
These findings establish a dictation chronology and suggest the p. Jun 11, 2009 the onepage introduction to the book of mormon, which gives a brief overview of its contents, was added in 1981 when the lds church released a revised text of the book of mormon. For some of the best scholarship on the changes in the book of mormon, see the writings of royal skousen, such as his 2014 article, changes in the book of mormon in interpreter. Moronis america the book of mormon in north america. A common criticism of the book of mormon is that the text has undergone some 4000 changes, and therefore the mormons claim that it is the word of god is proven false. Minor changes in the book of mormon isaiah texts have been made since the publication of the work in 1830. A book that puts the book of mormon stories in the order they happened, and it came to pass. Synagogues are mentioned several times in the book of mormon. She is also a contributor to the podcast this american life as part of the 2016 new york city mormon transitions retreat elna shares experiences regarding. See more ideas about byu sports, byu football and lds. There is too much time given to corporations, stocks, bonds, politics, etc.
Changes to the bible in comparison most scholars agree that there are about 24,000 changes between 1611 version and the 1769 version of the kjv bible. Another change affirms the teaching that the book of mormon alone contains the fullness of the gospel. Understanding the nature of the thousands of small changes in the book of mormon may be helpful and interesting. Was was changed to were 162 times, is to are 74 times, and done to did 10 times. Joseph fielding smith, the tenth president of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, proclaimed. These changes in recent editions have attempted to correct early errors in printing and to bring the isaiah texts of the present edition into conformity with prepublication manuscripts and early editions edited by the prophet joseph smith a brief explanation about the book of mormon, 1981 edition of the book of mormon. A few other changes involving meaning appear to be more significant.
For example, one letter written by a prominent mormon, dated may 3, 1936, maintained that the book of mormon was used by the government to unravel the problem of the aborigines. Elna bakers mormon transition john dehlin october 20, 2016 conference audio, exmormon stories, faith promoting stories, mormon transitions 3 comments elna baker is the author of the highly acclaimed the new york regional mormon singles halloween dance. Nov 11, 2019 explore bekahchoates board the mormon life. Many changes involve a change in number or tense of verbs. As stated earlier, the mormon church has made many changes to the book of mormon in order to correct josephs poor grammar and spelling. Smithsonian statement on the book of mormon revisited in journal of book of mormon studies vol. Many mormon apologists say this is proof that the book of mormon is true.
In reality, though, the kind of stylistic accuracy achieved by these changes has little to do with what joseph meant when he called the book of mormon the most correct of any book on earth. If every change of punctuation or spelling is counted, there actually have been over 100,000 edits to the book of mormon. Nelson stunned the mormon men and boys at saturday evenings priesthood session of general conference with a. Box 1884 salt lake city, utah 84110 or visit their website. Terryl givens said that the discovery of the altars may thus be said to constitute the first actual archaeological evidence for the historicity of the book of mormon and the most impressive find to date corroborating book of mormon historicity. Before we examine some of the possible locations for book of mormon geography however, i would like to stress the fact that as of today, the lord has not revealed where the nephites or lamanites lived, and as such, the lds church has taken no official stance on anything related to book of mormon geography. Jan 02, 2010 for example, there have been 891 changes of which to who, 177 changes of exceeding to exceedingly. The story of the mormon forgery murders by allen d. Critical texts have previously been prepared for important historical and literary works but until fairly. The introduction was written by mormon apostle brucer. The material below covers the geography of the book of mormon in north america.
A popular charge of antimormons is that the church is guilty of fraud because of changes in the book of mormon, or that the book of mormon cant be true and divine because corrections have been made. Im first going to describe the critical text project, some of its major findings. In the first number, for instance, the prospectus and a statement on changes in the contents are added to the first reprinted number. Because of this theory, he wrote, some members of the church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the book of mormon. The hill cumorah in ontario county ny is the hill where joseph smith found the golden plates and is the same hill where the civilizations of the nephites cumorah and the jaredites ramah fought their last battles. These men were given a sacred charge to observe the destruction of their people for their wickedness and failure to repent. For some thoughtprovoking analysis and evidence, see hugh nibleys essay. The previous two linked pages show the book of acts correlates to archaeological records at a high confidence level based on research and analysis by the classic scholar, dr. Although it serves primarily as a religious text, it is to be interpreted literally as being an actual, historical record of the inhabitants of the ancient americas. A published book that describes the geography of the book of mormon from jerusalem in the mideast to. Royal skousen, a professor of linguistics at byu and a recognized expert of the textual history of the book of mormon, has identified 5,280 variations in all editions of the book of mormon. Since not even one inscription has been found in the western hemisphere to match anything in the book of mormon, there is no correlation. Understanding textual changes in the book of mormon.
It includes such changes as joseph smith, author and proprietor in the first edition to joseph smith, translator in later editions. See more ideas about lds, lds church and lds mormon. These pamphlets are included as one of the titles in 19th century mormon publications. Sep 29, 2012 a common criticism of the book of mormon is that the text has undergone some 4000 changes, and therefore the mormons claim that it is the word of god is proven false.
Synagogues in the book of mormon book of mormon central. Mormonism must stand or fall on the story of joseph smith. Yes, it has been changed, but the 1996 smithsonian statement lives on in the hearts and minds and web pages of our. Some members of the mormon church have made fantastic claims about archaeologists using the book of mormon. Written in the form of chapters of a larger book, these pamphlets were issued separately so they could be circulated as missionary tracts.
Further verification of the change in the smithsonian statement is provided in the short note, new light. Dingers significant textual changes in the book of mormon. Helping lds understand the truth about the book of mormon so they can come to a saving knowledge of god. I remember when all this happened and i find the story as fascinating today as i did so many years ago. Lds church members are taught that the book of mormon bom is scripture, as well as a true record of the inhabitants of the americas from about 2200 bc to 420 ad. Book of mormon word change christian research institute. Smith is full of bluff and bluster, and is a fraud. Using the first three editions of the book of mormon along with these transcripts, scholars now have all the available information for studying the text of the book of mormon. The authors of the statement are not displaying high levels of scholarship. Hales, changing critics criticisms of book of mormon changes, interpreter. Joseph originally taught that jesus and the father were the same.
Elder nashs devotional this week opens the door to a new mormon folk doctrine that gay people will have to become heterosexual to reach heaven. Then i would like to turn to the issue of changes in the text to the book of mormon. Rather than provide a versebyverse summary, this book simply tells the stories of the book of mormon. Apr 15, 2012 the book of revelation, rather than a christian document is a jewish apocalyptic text. I have watched more than 20 hours of wayne may book of mormon lecture videos and conversed with both wayne may and rod meldrum in person. The primary research for this information was taken from the book 39 changes in the book of mormon by jerald and sandra tanner. The claim is often heard that there are more than 4000 changes to the book of mormon text. The arguments are rather weak but need to be dealt with.
The book of mormon chronicles is the perfect guide to the events of the book of mormon. These changes in recent editions have attempted to correct early errors in printing and to bring the isaiah texts of the present edition into conformity with prepublication manuscripts and early editions edited by the prophet joseph smith. This should not have been necessary, however, given the manner in which joseph is supposed to have produced this book. Refuting the existence of glass has no bearing on the book of mormon. Probability calculations using the chisquare test of independence supports that the book of mormon is based on either. Internal book of mormon geography focuses on the relationships between lands and other geographic features, independent of where they might be physically located on todays maps. Changes to latterday scripture lds leaders have made. Martin harris acted as joseph smiths scribe from 12 april to 14 june 1828, and at the end of this period they had written out 116 pages. Moronis america today in 1936, when lds scholars first began accepting the twocumorah theory, apostle joseph fielding smith warned the saints. On july 11, 20, i was surprised to get an email from a community of christ colleague informing me that the smithpettit foundation was publishing john s.
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